Data Hiding Techniques Using Steganography Algorithms

Steganography is the technique of hiding secret data within a file.


Steganography is the method of hiding information or data in a very peculiar manner using cover objects and various techniques. In the last two decades the adaptability of the digital communication and information sharing arouses the need for data susceptibility and thus steganography comes into play. Derived from Greek word “steganos” meaning hidden, comes steganography or “concealed writing”. It focuses on creating a safe and secure communication link between the parties. It aims at hiding the existence of the message as opposed to its complement cryptography, which deals with making the message illegible through encryption. It is very useful in various fields and might be a crucial key in countries where public use of cryptography is prohibited. Here we brush upon current techniques and ideas that are used along with the algorithms and future scope of study in this area. This review paper touches each point primarily with the intention of creating awareness. The main objective of this review paper is to briefly understand the present methods used in steganography and to compare them with the old cryptography methods and then to wonder of an approach that could learn from the mistakes of cryptography and work on the present methods in such a manner that would lead towards the growth of the field.

Journal of Advanced Database Management & Systems